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Kuća Čaja / Mate green 100g

Mate green 100g

470.00 RSD

South American plant. It refreshes and awakens.

  • Country of origin: Brazil

∗  Read more about the tea and its preparation in the description below  ↓ 

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Mate tea

Mate tea is the national drink of South America. It is a type of plant that grows as a bush or a small tree, with green leaves. It refreshes, awakens and is excellent for strengthening resistance.

Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is a plant originating from South America. The Guarani and Tupi peoples whose territories were in the region of present-day Paraguay were the first to cultivate and use this plant, and it was exclusive only to the natives. Even today,  people traditionally consume it in the central and southern regions of South America (Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, etc.).

Meaning of the name 

The name given to the plant in the Guarani language is “ka’a”, which means plant. The Tupi had an expression as well, “ko’goi”, which means something like “that which keeps us alive”. The name “mate” comes from Quechua (Quechua- a family of languages ​​originating from Peru), which originates from the word “mati”, a word that means a vessel for drinking and an infusion of herbs, a gourd. Modern Spanish also use the word mate. 

Yerba Mate is used throughout Latin America. It can be understood as “grass” (herba-yerba), “gourd plant” “herb that is drunk from a gourd”. An infusion called mate is prepared by filling a vessel (hollowed out gourd) with dry leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant and water at 70-80ºC.

When you drink it cold (also an option), the name for that cold brew drink is terere.

Drinking mate in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and southern Chile is a social affair, and a communal ritual. Friends and family members can drink from the same vessel. Traditionally, they use a a hollow gourd, and a wooden or metal straw that also serves as a strainer (bombilla).

Do you have to use a mate bowl and straw?

A classic strainer or filter bag, as well as any tea cup, can be used to prepare mate tea. But the traditional approach, and the use of mate bowls (whether made of gourd or ceramic) and bombillas give a special dose of enjoyment.

  • Country of origin: Brazil


3 g (cca. flat tablespoon)



Here you can find a couple of blends that contain yerba mate, such as mate cool and fresh, aloe vera and ginseng, tea for a good day and tea for a good vibe.


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