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Kuća Čaja / Hibiscus 50g

Hibiscus 50g

77.00 RSD


Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea made from dried burgundy red or deep purple hibiscus flowers. You can consume it both as a hot and as a cold drink. It has a sour taste similar to a cranberry or similar sour red fruit. It is popular all over the world, which is why it has various names. One of them is Bissap – known as the national drink of Senegal. Mint or ginger is often added to it. In Ghana it is known as “sobolo” and in Nigeria it is known as “zobo”. One of the names for hibiscus tea is also karkade (Arabic).

This tea can be served both hot and cold, depending on the season or individual taste. In some countries, such as Egypt and Sudan, this tea is served at wedding celebrations, and it is traditionally toasted with it. Street vendors as well as outdoor cafes selling hibiscus  can be found on the streets of Cairo. In Sudan, hibiscus was and still is used in folk medicine to treat many conditions. Like cholesterol problems and high blood pressure. Even some more modern research claims that hibiscus can lower blood pressure.


3g (cca. flat tablespoon)

95 ºC

5 min

This tea is refreshingly tart and rich in vitamin C. It is an essential ingredient in our fruit blends like kiba flip and vitamin tea, as well as many others.

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