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Kuća Čaja / Assam green 100g

Assam green 100g

656.00 RSD

Assam is a green tea from India that contains the youngest leaves.

Assam Green (Jongtollie) TGFOP1

  • Country of origin: India
  • Country of import: Germany

∗  Read more about the tea and its preparation in the description below  ↓ 

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Assam green

Assam Green (Jongtollie) TGFOP1

A tea from India which contains the youngest leaves from the top of the plant, harvested in the spring.

In 1874,  English nobleman John Elliot Esq. founded Jongtolliee. He developed a small garden which afterward ,over the years, became one of the largest in the area. In that garden, one of the rarities of the Assam region is produced, which is Assam green tea.

Assam is one of the largest tea growing regions. It lies on both sides of the Brahmaputra River. Also, it borders Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and is very close to China. In this part of India, around the monsoon period, there are heavy rains, and temperatures that rise to around 36 °C. This creates  greenhouse like conditions.  Extreme humidity and heat. Therefore, the tropical climate contributes to the unique taste of Assam tea.

Assam, like India itself, is known for its strong black teas, with deep and strong notes. When it comes to teas, the production consists mostly of black teas, while green teas are something more characteristic to China or Japan. Butm, still there are some green teas  in Assam. Our Assam Green has an unusually delicate and fruity note. The tender green leaf is dotted with bright tips. It is quite uncharacteristic for regular Assam teas.


  • Country of origin: India
  • Cultivation area: Dibrugarh
  • Country of import: Germany
  • Harvest period: May – June



3 g (cca. flat tablespoon or full teaspoon)

70 - 80ºC



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