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Kuća Čaja / Winter savory (Satureja montana) 50g

Winter savory (Satureja montana) 50g

77.00 RSD

Tea that has been used for centuries in the treatment of the respiratory organs and the urogenital tract.

∗  Read more about the tea and its preparation in the description below  ↓ 


Mountain Rtanj tea

Winter savory (Satureja montana), Rtanjski tea or Vrijesak mostly grows in mountainous areas, as well as other sunny rocky places. It got its name because among other mountains  it is especially represented on Rtanj.

It is very well known among the people in Serbia, and has been used for centuries in the treatment of ailments of the respiratory organs, as well as the urogenital tract.

Its essential oil, phytosterols, flavonoids, mineral salts and other active ingredients are the reason for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral effects. It is traditionally used in viral and bacterial infections, as well as in the case of fungi and parasites. The aromatic components of this plant have a positive effect on digestion and help with colic and other digestive problems. They can participate in the regulation of intestinal contractions, influence the elimination of gases, relieve bloating, and establish better function and balance of the intestinal flora. This tea can also help with diarrhea.

It helps with respiratory problems and infections, and eliminates phlegm. In urinary tract infections, it can also reduce the infection.

It has been known as “men’s tea” for centuries, because it is considered a natural remedy for potency. It increases libido in men as well as in women.

In addition, this plant and plants similar to it in smell and taste are used in many cuisines of the world as a spice.


3g (cca. flat tablespoon)

95 ºC

5 min

In addition to mountain Rtanj tea , you can find a few other native teas on our shelves, such as mint, chamomile, lemon balm and linden.

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