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Kuća Čaja / News  / TEA OF THE MONTH – WILD CHERRY(10% off during all of October or while available in stock)!

TEA OF THE MONTH – WILD CHERRY(10% off during all of October or while available in stock)!

Find releif from October’s gloomy weather by enjoying a cup of our brand new fruit blend. WILD CHERRY combines dried cherries with apple pieces, rosehip peel, and hibiscus, for a taste that will remind you of days spent in the outdoors, fresh air of the countryside filling your lungs.

TEA OF THE MONTH – WILD CHERRY(10% off during all of October or while available in stock)!Find releif from October’s gloomy weather by enjoying a cup of our brand new fruit blend. WILD CHERRY combines dried cherries with apple pieces, rosehip peel, and hibiscus, for a taste that will remind you of days spent in the outdoors, fresh air of the countryside filling your lungs.

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